Upgrading From Versions Prior to 2024-Nov

We made a big change to SQL ConstantCare's installer & updater in December 2024. You do have to install it again (as opposed to it automatically updating itself), but the good news is that you don't have to re-add all your servers. The process is pretty quick.

1. Install the new SQL ConstantCare® app.

Don't install this on the SQL Server itself - just install it on your own workstation or a jump box works fine too. The box doesn't need to be up 24/7 - data collection happens once a day on the schedule you choose, and as long as you're logged in at that time, it'll fire off and run.

  • Download and extract the SQL ConstantCare® installer (ZIP)
  • Run ConstantCarePro-win-Setup.exe (Application) by double-clicking it.
  • It will ask for your email address - this is the email that you want the reports to go to. You don't have to use the exact same email address you purchased with - you can use a distribution list, for example, if you want other people to get the emails while you're on vacation. However, if you use a distribution list, make sure it will accept emails from [email protected].
  • It will connect to our servers. If you get a fatal error, that means your firewall is blocking connections to us - hit the troubleshooting page for more details.

2. Copy your settings over from the old version.

Open File Explorer, and in the address bar, type %localappdata%\ConstantCare\current and hit enter. That'll bring you to the OLD working folder of the OLD version of SQL ConstantCare.

Open another window of File Explorer, and in the address bar, type %localappdata%\ConstantCarePro\current and hit enter. That's the NEW working folder of the NEW version.

Copy the connectionStrings.config and userSettings.config files from the old to new working folder.

3. Edit the scheduled task.

Open Task Scheduler - click the search box in the taskbar, search for Task Scheduler, and in Task Scheduler Library, you should have a scheduled task for ConstantCare.

Right-click on that, click Properties, go to the Actions tab, click on the program, click Edit, Browse. In the address bar, put in %localappdata%\ConstantCarePro\Current and hit enter. When the list refreshes, choose ConstantCare.exe and click OK.

Before closing it, go to the General tab and make sure that the "Run whether user is logged on or not" is checked. (If you're checking it for the first time, you'll have to put in your password when you click OK.)

Test the task by right-clicking on it and click Run. A command prompt should open, collecting data from your servers. If you see a bunch of errors, hit the Troubleshooting page.

And you're good to go! From here on out, any upgrades should happen automatically.

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