What's Included in Your Ticket

Your class registration includes the ability to attend only the live class date shown on your ticket. It is not transferable to other dates/cities.

May 16, 9AM-5PM at Duke Health, 1st Floor Auditorium, 14 Moore Dr, Durham, NC 27703.

Your registration also includes:

  • Boxed lunch/snacks/water and vegetarian options
  • The ability to download the slides & demo scripts
  • The ability to ask questions about the material during the live class, in the group

Just to be clear, these things are not included:

  • Recordings of the classes
  • Consulting services and private questions

I feel guilty about the no-private-questions thing, but over time I've learned that some attendees bring a whole sheet of questions that they saved up from work, and they want to pin me down for an hour while they show me their laptop to point out various things on their own server. That's not part of the training class, and it's better suited for my consulting services instead.

Definitely feel free to raise your hand and ask questions during the class! I love questions. We'll also finish up the day with an open Q&A session where you can ask anything, whether it was covered in the class or not, as long as you do it in the open forum with the other students present. Once everyone's done asking questions in the group, then I pack up and leave - but I make sure your group questions are answered first. (That's actually my favorite part of the day!)

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